Barclays Female Founder Accelerator 2023 member

Virtual and global women-led Start Up, pan UK and Australia. Affordable and scalable SAAS plus service for insight into talking and listening habits in the workplace.
This quantitative data, with additional coaching, supports behaviour change to increase engagement at work. Raising for development of more robust prototype, technology development, employee growth and further customer acquisition. 2 x DevelopHer Award Winner. #TechforGood #Innovation, November 22.
Why did you apply for the Female Founder Accelerator?
The level of investment in women-led entrepreneurship is so low that it barely exists. I apply for all opportunities presented to me to further develop both our product, service and to attract investment and to access networks.
Do you think there's a need for programmes like this for Female Founders?
Yes. Absolutely. No question. There is a widely-evidenced need for this.
Why did you want to start your business?
We all know people that talk too much and those that rarely contribute in meetings. These habits are largely borne from childhood, the classroom, and often transfer to the workplace.
We know that more engaged and more diverse teams are more profitable, so I want to focus on the backdrop of the everyday, and with this sharper data, increase our own and team insight on how are engaging with each other, and what we can do to change behaviours.
What are you looking to get out of this programme?
I want to access this 'corporate' sponsored network as I believe this will create interest from others. I want to raise investment. I want to refine product market fit. I want to seek advice and learn from peers and providers. I want to access mentors and find advocates and allyship to move my business to the next stage. I want to connect meaningfully with other female founders. I want the structured opportunity to go through our current plans, financials etc with those with greater expertise than me, in a virtual basis from my rural, kitchen table.
Which entrepreneur inspires you the most and why?
I am constantly inspired by every single female entrepreneur in my various networks, working tirelessly and with passion, often like me from their kitchen table.
Starting close to home, inspiring women to be named: Robin Milton, Founder of Fairer Games and Reedah El-Saie, Brainspark Games. I am also inspired by Debbie Wosskow, and for a celebrity focus, Deborah Meaden's commitment to sustainable businesses.
What has been your biggest win in your entrepreneurial journey?
Nominated, shortlisted and winners of the #Tech for Good and #Innovation Award at the Develop Her Awards, 2022.
What has been your biggest challenge?
I have so many challenges. Daily.
My biggest current challenge is in accessing the right networks to seek funding opportunities to enable us to fund development.
Where did you go for business advice and how did it help you?
I seek business advice constantly from my networks and contacts and these are local, national and virtual.
What drives you to make your business a success?
A core purpose of Yakbit is to create a better backdrop for inclusive practices at work.
Inclusion means creating an environment where everyone feels welcome and valued. This can only be created once we are more aware of our habits of talking and listening and some of unconscious biases that come with this. Yakbit strives to increase personal and professional insight to maximise the potential of all staff, to create a more equal and diverse workforce.
What advice would you give other founders thinking about starting their own business?
Talk to as many people as possible. Find the people that support and believe in you.