Barclays Female Founder Accelerator 2023 member
Justly Software

Whether you manage a small, medium or large cleaning business, Justly is the complete, customisable business and scheduling system for you.
From onboarding right through to automating your invoices, Justly will enable the smooth running of your business, freeing you up to focus on strategy, growth and your people
Why did you apply for the Female Founder Accelerator?
I'm stuck in terms of moving things forward and need some accountability, structure and community energy to help me reach my goals. Additionally I need to build my pitch deck and gain confidence and practice around pitching my idea.
Do you think there's a need for programmes like this for Female Founders?
Yes, particularly around pitching and funding as it is a documented fact that female founders, and in addition female founders of colour are not proportionally succeeding in attracting mentors and investors.
Why did you want to start your business?
My first business is a cleaning agency. For the last 10 years, we have struggled to find an effective and creative solution to deploying and managing our colleagues in the field and having all of the rich data that they generate being easily accessible, measurable and generating critical KPIs
What are you looking to get out of this programme?
Clarity on pitching
The opportunity to pitch to investors
Which entrepreneur inspires you the most and why?
Stephen Bartlett - He is an unconventional thinker, he is a young black man, he seems to be authentic and understands that purpose and giving back are integral to fulfilment.
What has been your biggest win in your entrepreneurial journey?
Surviving 10 years especially through the Covid, Brexit, Cost of Living storm and taking a business past the £1 million turnover mark. Actually getting to the point after 8 years where I felt confident to call myself an entrepreneur..
What has been your biggest challenge?
A lack of coaching and guidance in the early years which created a difficult growth journey. Working in an industry with small margins. People management
Where did you go for business advice and how did it help you?
I hired a business coach and this radically changed the trajectory and success of my business. I had a steep learning curve on marketing, pricing, profit margins, tracking my numbers, recruitment - everything!
What drives you to make your business a success?
Knowing that I am providing jobs and a safe and ethical working environment for the people in my 'community'
What advice would you give other founders thinking about starting their own business?
Get a handle on your numbers, get a mentor or coach, take risks and believe in yourself