Barclays Female Founder Accelerator 2023 member

CopyHouse is a leading content marketing agency for fast-growing fintech and technology brands.
We specialise in creating important conversations and building strong relationships via copywriting, content design and B2B social media.
Our team of highly experienced writers, social media managers and creatives create unique, top-notch content to showcase clients’ expertise and add a human element to the B2B technology landscape.
We keep all our content in-house with our creative team and don’t use any freelancers. This allows us to attract, retain and nurture the best talent who can truly understand our clients and produce top-notch content.
Why did you apply for the Female Founder Accelerator?
I applied for the programme as I thought it would equip me with the knowledge necessary to lead CopyHouse into the future, propelling us towards our goal of becoming the #1 tech content marketing agency in the UK and EU. In the next five years, I aim to expand to work with larger clients across the UK & US to offer social media, copywriting and content design services. As part of this growth, we intended to acquire a design agency to bolster this service and help us provide a more comprehensive range of services.
I believe that this programme will give me the knowledge as well as connections to make these ambitious growth plans possible.
Do you think there's a need for programmes like this for Female Founders?
Yes, absolutely. Female business owners encounter many challenges (that men don't) and we need all the help we can get to smash through glass ceilings and create a meaningful impact.
Why did you want to start your business?
I started my business because other routes weren't available to me. As a young mother, I wasn't given opportunities and if I was, they didn't allow me the flexibility to be around for my daughter. I started my business to prove that I could run a business, be successful and have a daughter.
What are you looking to get out of this programme?
I'd like to expand my knowledge and my network. It's all about getting the right skillset and meeting the right people to be able to make it happen.
Which entrepreneur inspires you the most and why?
Spencer Gallagher (Agencynomics & Cactus). Spencer works with us as a NED and my mentor. He's taught me everything I know about running an agency and, as someone who's travelled this route before, helps keep us on track for our growth goals.
What has been your biggest win in your entrepreneurial journey?
I don't have a single big win. Instead, it's been a series of small wins that have allowed us to get to where we are today. I believe in incremental change and making progress by getting a little bit better every day.
What has been your biggest challenge?
I launched my business in January 2020 and three months later the pandemic hit. At the time we were a team of x4 people and almost overnight we lost 50% of our clients. Instead of furloughing our team or making them redundant, I had to look at what we had left and what opportunities existed within the market. We discovered a real opportunity within the technology space so doubled-down and invested heavily in our sales and marketing to raise our brand awareness in this area.
Where did you go for business advice and how did it help you?
I have a senior leadership team that I often speak with about challenges and am also supported by external advisors (NEDs, accountants and lawyers). They help me feel not alone and understand the options available or identify new ideas so we can overcome the challenge at hand.