Barclays Black Founder Accelerator 2022 member
Pelvic Secrets

I’m Jenni Russell. A leading expert in helping women build strong pelvic floor muscles.
For over 25 years I have successfully helped women regain confidence, continence and sexual satisfaction, whilst improving body shape, posture and performance. To remain professionally, physically and socially active well into and beyond their menopausal years. I give women the confidence to take back control of their intimate health. And companies the opportunity and ‘tools’ to retain their employees, maintain productivity and their bottom line, without affecting employer/employee relations.
Why did you join the Barclays Black Founder Accelerator?
I joined the Barclays Black Founder Accelerator programme because I want to be able to have access to those platforms. Women need to understand all the factors that contribute to weakening this most vital part of their body. Especially when it has the potential to cut short their careers, destabilise their relationships (professional and personal) and cost the industry in terms of experience, expertise and finance.
Why did you want to start your business?
I started the business by default after a friend made a throwaway comment after his second child was born. When I was teaching many studio classes many many women began to ask me to help them personally to save their relationships. When I was able to help women reverse the damage and weakness so they could remain at work without fear or embarrassment I recognised the need professionally and personally to empower women (and men). The clients I work with succeed. Less sick days, empowered, confident and continent and the business thrives. I was changing lives and educating clients on how to manage their intimate and overall health. Its so much more than just a workout.
What would be your desired outcome from this programme?
My desired outcome would be to design a business model that companies can implement to look after its female employees before menopausal years so the transition is seamless for the company and the business. And to adapt and address the 4 types of menopause experiences to ensure all women have access to the right pathway. A programme that can role out online with either ad-hoc in house support or monthly drop in clinics.
Which entrepreneur inspires you the most and why?
I am inspired by Sir Alan Sugar. He recognised and made available a product that all people could access. He never focussed on exclusivity but inclusiveness and continues to share his expertise to empower other businesses too. It’s what I want to do also.
What has been your biggest win in your entrepreneurial journey?
My biggest win in m entrepreneurial journey would be a combination of having my work published in the international continence society conference in both Florence and Las Vagas on Conservative Management of Stress Incontinence. But also one particular client who had never had any feeling in intimacy in 27years of marriage! To be able to help her feel and be felt in 3 months after going everywhere to achieve it was priceless. Having her husband and children come to see who I am and thank me, let me know I am making a difference.
What has been your biggest challenge?
My biggest challenge has been access to big companies because I do not have a physiotherapy degree. But as I mentioned it did not stop me being published at big conferences, or being the kickstart speaker at Nurses in Practise conferences.
Where did you go for business advice and how did it help you?
I have sought help from friends who have their own business and they have helped me to niche down and identify my ideal client. I do attend many networking events and have done a few at the NatWest tower. My publisher for my second book has also been an amazing mentor for me.
What drives you to make your business a success?
What drives me to make my business a success is that one woman who makes it home, runs upstairs and makes it to the toilet without leaking. The confidence she takes back. The ability to return to activities and intimacy. To help that mother enjoy the social side of motherhood. That woman in the C-suite not worried about limiting her wardrobe choice, or dehydration and tension headaches. Those companies that keep their women. And those women who have the vitality and freedom of movement to enjoy the retirement that have worked so long to enjoy not endure. I love helping people discover the power within their pelvis.
What advice would you give other founders thinking about starting their own business?
I would say; know your purpose, what drives you, excites you. Know your values and then establish your mission. Get a good mentor or mentoring programme and don’t be afraid to ask for or seek out help.