Barclays Black Founder Accelerator 2021 member
Tap Recruit

Our Mission is to provide a unified recruitment experience.
Why did you join the Barclays Black Founder Accelerator?
We joined the accelerator so that we can be exposed to like minded people who are dedicated to see their businesses succeed. Additionally the amount of knowledge that we will gain and exposure to support services will have a positive impact on making our business a success.
Why did you want to start your business?
We started Tap to ensure that the unification of the recruitment process, where both job seekers and hiring managers can be transparent on what they need.
What would be your desired outcome from this programme?
It would be to leave the programme with a revenue generating company.
Which entrepreneur inspires you the most and why?
John D. Rockefeller, he started with nothing but through hard work and persistence he went on to become one of the richest men on earth. He taught me that as long as you provide a service/product that makes consumers lives better, consumers will pay any price to get that.
What has been your biggest win in your entrepreneurial journey?
Our Biggest win has been to mobilise the project team for Tap. The key to a successful product are the people behind it. These individual's have worked as a team to bring the idea i had to life.
What has been your biggest challenge?
Finding the right product market fit for our platform. It has been difficult to get companies onboard to use our services.
Where did you go for business advice and how did it help you?
I network with other founders and participate in start up groups where we give each other advice on our areas of expertise.
What drives you to make your business a success?
The activity from our early adopters, they give me the extra push to go harder and ensure we get them their dream jobs.
What advice would you give other founders thinking about starting their own business?
Do not waste time questioning weather you are equipped to start your business. Start with small steps and eventually you will get to where you need to be.