Barclays Black Founder Accelerator 2020 member
Loop Not Luck Ltd

Loop Not Luck was created to level the playfield when it comes to graduate career opportunities. We believe that access to opportunity shouldn't be determined by who you know but by who you can become.
Powered by artificial intelligence, we connect a diverse pool of candidates with data-driven career opportunities - tailored to that individual's unique characteristics. Simultaneously, we provide companies looking to diversify their entry-level talent pool with a pipeline of diverse talent. Whether you are a student or recent graduate trying to get your foot in the door or a company looking to diversify your talent pool; don't leave your success up to luck - get in the loop.
Why did you join the Barclays Black Founder Accelerator?
It is just as important to know your weaknesses as it is to know your strengths. We joined the Barclays Black Founder Accelerator Programme to gain support in building our brand, sales strategy and helping us to identify areas where we might have gaps that have not yet be addressed or considered.
What would be your desired outcome from this programme?
- Clear understanding of what we need to do to become investment ready
- Comprehensive financial forecasting, tracking and planning process in place
- Ambitious but achievable timeline of milestones we need to reach alongside a good sense of how we are going to get there.
Which entrepreneur inspires you the most and why?
Bianca Miller-Cole. She is my mentor, formidable business woman and pours generously back into her community. She doesn't allow people to put her in a box and has had multiple successful business ventures including becoming a published author. Her genuine, authentic and limitless approach to business and success is something I hope to emulate over the course of my entrepreneurial journey.
What has been your biggest win in your entrepreneurial journey?
Signing our first client was a big moment for us. It proved that our months of hard work and dedication hadn't gone to waste and that we have an idea that is really viable and in demand.
And your biggest challenge?
Balancing a full-time job and launching a tech start-up has been a huge challenge. It's required a lot of self-discipline and developing the self-awareness to know when to stop and prioritise self-care/mental health.
Where did you go for business advice and how did it help you?
I reach out to my network and people I admire to solicit advice and different perspectives. I think it is important to get the opinions of others, who aren't so close to the business to see where you might be missing a trick. I think it is important to listen to advice but ultimately the decision is up to you as to if it should be implemented or not.
What drives you to make your business a success?
I want to run a business that has a positive impact on society. I've realised I'm driven by purpose rather than money but don't underestimate the role it plays in the world. The idea of being able to improve social mobility, mobilise the potential in our youth and increase access to opportunity is the inspiration that hasn't wavered over this journey.
What advice would you give other founders thinking about starting their own business?
Don't create a solution and then try to find a problem. Go out there and talk to your future users and identify what their real problems are and build something to solve that problem. If you're not afraid of your idea evolving into something quite different from what you started with - you won't be blinkered and the possibilities are endless.
Why did you want to start your business?
To increase access to opportunity for people who don't have the necessary network to help facilite them getting their foot in the door.
What do you do to relax when not working?
Read, cycle, paint, talk to friends.
How has covid made you pivot your business?
Covid has resulted in an increase demand for a business like Loop Not Luck. Early Careers teams can't go on to campus for job fairs and recruitment events anymore so they are having to reach out and cultivate their future talent pool online. We provide access to a diverse pool of UK based entry-level talent.