Eagle Labs return to work
As you know, we’ve introduced a number of changes at our spaces to help you and your teams feel safe while at your Lab.
Here’s Sam with a quick reminder to some of the change we’ve made.
As requested, we do need to know when and who from your team will be returning to the Lab so that we can ensure we’re meeting the latest Government guidance, so please let your Ecosystem Manager have these details as soon as possible.
We’ve also updated your membership agreement to include the Eagle Labs Site Return Policy set out below. By returning to the Lab, you are agreeing to comply with these terms that have been designed to help protect you and the welfare of all our members and colleagues.
Eagle Labs Site Return Policy
In line with our workplace safety standards, we have added the following terms to our membership agreement with you for you to follow. You must now comply with the following policy pursuant to your membership agreement:
Important Notice:
The following Policy has been put in place as part of your membership agreement.
- By attending any Eagle Lab site, you agree to comply with, and ensure all your personnel and guests comply with this Policy
- As members of Eagle Labs, you are responsible for ensuring that you, your personnel and any guests follow this Policy.
- In addition, you should continue to stay up-to-date with Government policy, and must continue to act in accordance with the latest guidance when attending any Eagle Lab (found at the GOV.UK website).
- Failure to adhere to this Policy may result in restriction of your access to Eagle Lab sites and/or termination of your membership, at Eagle Labs sole discretion.
Measures to follow:
- Before Returning to the Lab, please ensure you have had a conversation with your Labs Team so we can ensure that we can accommodate you in line with our operational procedures. Please also follow the working from home guidance at the bottom of this Policy.
- Continue to follow the latest Government advice in all parts of the site, including access points and car parks, as defined at gov.uk/coronavirus. Floor markings and signage on-site will help you to do this and give you practical information on how to stay safe.
- Regularly wash hands and sanitise according to Government advice. Hand sanitiser and soap will be available on-site for your use.
- You must notify your Ecosystem Manager or on-site Lab team as soon as you or someone in your household becomes unwell or experiences any symptoms of COVID-19. We ask that you leave the Eagle Labs premises immediately and contact NHS 111 for further guidance.
- If you or someone in your household become unwell or experience any symptoms of COVID-19, you should follow the current government guidance in relation to testing and self-isolation in your region and not return to labs until all symptoms are fully clear. If you are unsure, contact NHS 111 for further guidance.
- If you are classed as Vulnerable or Shielded person, or a carer for a Vulnerable / Shielded person, we recommend you continue to follow Government advice.
- Please consider other Residents and your surroundings when using the communal areas (including breakout spaces, restrooms, kitchens and access points) to help you to avoid close contact with people you don’t normally meet. Please avoid touching surfaces and ensure spaces are kept as clean as possible. Anti-bacterial wipes will be made available for your use.
- Please also help us to keep the site clean and safer by limiting your movement around the site where possible.
- All visitors must be booked with the Lab Team at least 24 hours ahead of their visit. This will allow us to manage capacity and ensure there is enough space to help you to avoid close contact with people you don’t normally meet. Please note, children are not allowed in any of our Labs until further notice.
- Occupancy within all private offices may need to be adjusted. Your Ecosystem / Lab Manager will be in touch to advise you on your individual circumstances and options. We will assign you a dedicated desk each day – you should only use this desk when on site. Small changes can make a big difference to reduce risk – such as not sharing equipment (e.g. pens, staplers etc.)
Avoid use of lifts on premises where possible, using stairs instead (remembering to wash your hands after using handrails / doors). Where lifts must be used, capacity must be reduced following your site guidelines to help you to avoid close contact with people you don’t normally meet. - We ask for only essential goods to be delivered to sites. Please only handle your own post and dispose of envelopes / packaging immediately after opening and wash hands thoroughly afterwards. Goods received should be disinfected with antiviral wipes or other suitable cleaning materials before being opened.
- We will supply disposable cutlery and cups for use on-site, to be used instead of metal cutlery / mugs / crockery. They are then to be disposed of in the bins provided. We will also be providing single-serve sachets of salt / pepper / milk for your convenience. You must wipe down all food packaging and wash your hands before eating.
- Any external food deliveries must be collected outside the premises.
- You are responsible for the cleaning of your personal equipment (keyboards, desktop equipment etc.) - Anti-bacterial wipes will be made available for you use. Please ensure your desks / offices are clean and clear to enable our cleaners to work around your equipment.
- When using equipment (coffee machines, printers, conference phones) wash your hands thoroughly before and after use. Maker Space equipment must only be used if you have been trained to do so and signed off by an Eagle Labs Engineer.
- If Barclays deems that it and/or its partners are unable to staff an Eagle Lab site appropriately, then it may elect (at its discretion) to close or restrict access (and/or services) at such site for a period of time, in which case Barclays will seek to notify any members that may be affected as soon as reasonably practicable.
- We recommend you continue to wear a face covering when moving around the site. Wearing masks is important in all communal areas and lifts, and particularly you may not be able to avoid close contact with people you don’t normally meet, but is not required when at your desk or in a meeting room.
Working from home guidance:
As a reminder, the updated Government guidance on working from home is here:
In England:
"Working from home
The government is no longer asking people to work from home if they can. COVID-19 will be a feature of our lives for the foreseeable future, so we need to learn to live with it and manage the risk to ourselves and others. All of us can play our part by understanding the situations where risks of COVID-19 infection and transmission are likely to be higher, and taking action to reduce these risks. The risk of transmission can be substantially reduced if COVID-19 secure guidelines are followed closely. Extra consideration should be given to those people at higher risk."
Rest of UK - we recommend you continue to follow the local guidance for Working From Home
As a quick recap, we’ve introduced:
- enhanced cleaning and hygiene throughout the Lab - especially in communal areas such as the kitchen and bathrooms
adjustments throughout the Lab to reduce close contact with people you don’t normally meet - pre-allocated seating in all co-working areas
- increased sanitisation equipment for your regular use
- clear on-site signage and instructions
We’re here to answer any of your questions so please do reach out to your Ecosystem Manager or Lab team and we’ll do our best to help you.